
8:00 Preschool Room Opens – Free Choice for Early Birds

9:30 Preschool begins with Circle Time

10:00 Wash hands/Snack (Castle provides a.m. snack)

10:15 Outside Playground: i.e. sand box, play structure, tricycles

11:00 Activity Time: Small group teacher directed learning activity using the theme of the week plus the letter of the week.

11:15 Choice of Activities: Blocks, Art, Dramatic Play, Manipulatives, Fine Motor skills

11:45 Story Time

12:00 Pick up for *Preschool Only* children, Hand-washing

12:05 Lunch

12:30 Outside Play

1:00 Bathroom turns and “Book Look” Pick up for “Lunch Bunch” children

1:15 Rest Time

1:45 Quiet free play, group game for Non-resters

2:45 Music and story

3:00 Free play

3:45 Snack (from child’s lunch box)

4:00/4:15 Preschool Closes



CASTLE Preschool (3 & 4-years):
License Facility #49 3005602
7601 Huntley Street, Rooms 28, 25 & 26
(Corner of Dutton and Huntley)
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Rebecca Rose, Site Director
(707) 829-4579

[email protected]

[email protected]